Fifteen Upper School science students traveled to Brown University recently for an invitational Science Olympiad Tournament. Students competed with schools from across the country in...
Some people are unaware of the girls’ activity in which we strive for equal rights: GLTR (Girls' Leadership Training) We recently joined this group to...
The winter musical is on its way! Director and Musical Director Katy Cavanaugh, Choreographer Susan Nelson and the cast of The Drowsy Chaperone have been hard at...
Our entire seventh grade spent advising period on Friday making winter cards for their friends at Head Start, whom they will visit on Tuesday. Our...
At our assembly on Wednesday, a group of students and teachers read quotes inspired by Dr. Martin Luther King’s call for social justice. Click here...
Olya Gregg '20, Eliza Gervais '20, Assistant Head for Student Life Lydia Maier '90, Ian McClure-Chute '20, Amelia Bertaska '18 and Laura Baginski '18 (crouching)...