Waynflete juniors recently spent the morning with Bowdoin librarian Barbara Levergood, who facilitated an activity for them to examine original documents from the Reconstruction Era. These primary...
Ten Waynflete science students competed in the State of Maine Science Bowl at the University of Southern Maine on Saturday, March 3. Two teams of...
Waynflete's Blake Keogh and Beth Swartz of the White Mountain Avalanche Education Foundation led an avalanche awareness course for teenagers over February break. Waynflete students Keegan (seventh...
It was another exciting winter season for Flyers teams. Every Waynflete team qualified for post-season play. The Falmouth/Waynflete alpine ski team won the SMAA championship...
Congratulations to the Waynflete Upper School Jazz Combo for achieving a I (One) Rating last night at the Maine Music Educators Association 2018 District II Jazz Festival! The...
"Kids' Choice" in Waynflete's 2-3 program is a thematic study that emerges from students' suggestions about subjects they would like to explore in greater depth....
Dear Waynflete, I am writing from Tel Aviv, Israel. This year I am on a gap year before I begin college at Davidson College in...