What drives someone to move to a new country, and how do they maintain their cultural identity? Our 4–5 students investigated these questions by conducting...
A stormy end to the week didn't deter more than 300 students and educators from attending Waynflete’s eighth annual New England Youth Identity Summit on...
Congratulations to the Upper School Math Team for earning second place in the Class D division of the Maine State Math Meet yesterday. Each question...
Eighteen Middle School students recently embarked on the second iteration of Waynflete’s Winter Ice and Snow Program (WISP) in New Hampshire’s White Mountains. Guided by...
Ten Waynflete students recently competed in the Maine State Science Bowl, a trivia competition sponsored by the Department of Energy. Coached by science teachers Wendy...
The Outliers Robotics team is once again the winner of the Granite State Robotics competition! 35 teams from across New England competed in this three-day...
Last fall, Waynflete offered a Digital Journalism course taught by local podcast producer and journalist Emma Reynolds. During the semester, students produced podcasts and wrote...