Waynflete juniors recently spent the morning with Bowdoin librarian Barbara Levergood, who facilitated an activity for them to examine original documents from the Reconstruction Era. These primary...
Waynflete encourages high schoolers from across Maine to join with students from seven Maine schools as they engage candidates for governor in dialogue about bringing...
A group of middle school science students competed in the regional Sea Perch competition last Friday. The event is hosted by the Navy and the...
This Wednesday during assembly, Spirit Club hosted their annual Superhero Contest as a part of Spirit Week. Students who dressed for the occasion participated by...
After a weekend of pure energy from the Summit, the vibe this past Monday around school was a mix of the usual exhaustion with a...
4-5 students recently embarked on feats of creative engineering. After a thorough study of simple machines, students examined everyday problems in their lives, formulated solutions, and...
The Waynflete Writers’ Guild has been around for a number of years as a place for students to meet, have fun, and share their writings....