What a journey it’s been! 125 years of playful exploration, embracing innovation, nurturing students, and creating community. We hope you’ll join us in celebrating Waynflete’s...
Click below to watch a time-lapse video of the first modular removal!
Waynflete's Class of 2018 is a group of accomplished young adults with an impressive list of colleges and universities that they will be attending! Below...
It was a sensational spring for Flyers teams! Five Waynflete athletes participated in spring track as cooperative individuals with Cheverus. Our athletes practiced with Cheverus...
It was a whirlwind week at Waynflete, but the final events have come to a close and all of a sudden, hallways feel oddly quiet....
A few days before Commencement, Waynflete seniors and their advisors gather for a special celebratory dinner. Each senior is honored with a "Senior Minute"—a short...
Every spring, seniors leave campus in early May and spend four weeks pursuing a subject of personal interest. This Senior Project month is a fondly...