Congratulations to our girls varsity soccer team on an impressive 9–1 victory over Sacopee Valley at our first Friday Night Lights game! It was an...
“Real World Performing Arts” was piloted as a new class in Upper School this past semester. Mary Jane Pagenstecher and Tiki Fuhro co-taught this hands-on...
The “Poetry Out Loud” national recitation contest was created by the National Endowment for the Arts and the Poetry Foundation. The contest is administered in...
The December 2018 issue of the Upper School Lit Mag is out! View/download here
Waynflete sixth-graders gathered last week to celebrate Saturnalia, an ancient Roman holiday that celebrated the return of Saturn, the god of the harvest. Students made...
Students from Waynflete, Kennebunk High School, Scarborough High School, Morse High School, Portland High School, and Deering High School spent Sunday in Franklin Theater writing...
Congratulations to Brandon Salway for being named Fall Coach of the Year by The Forecaster! Read the article