In 2015, British hair stylist Joshua Coombes founded “Do Something for Nothing,” a movement that inspires people to share their time with people in need...
Most of the curriculum in Waynflete’s 4-5 program is thematically driven. We believe students learn best when the content they are learning is interdisciplinary and...
The Authenticity show in the Waynflete Gallery has enabled visitors of all ages to participate in various reinterpretations of famous "masterpieces." The show invites viewers...
“Clever use of language, insightful perspective, and engaging commentary.” These are some of the qualities that New York Times Learning Network staff considered when judging...
On January 12, fifteen Waynflete students competed in 23 different science and engineering events at the MIT Science Olympiad Invitational Tournament in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Notable finishes include a 12th place...
Many of you have already noted with great excitement that Colum McCann, the widely read and highly acclaimed Irish author of six novels and three...
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