Fifteen Upper School science students traveled to MIT on January 20 for an invitational Science Olympiad tournament. Students competed with schools from across the country...
This year, instrumental music teachers Gene Gill and Eddie Holmes have collaborated on a program that gives grade 4 and 5 students their first tastes...
Chris Knapp (Waynflete class of 1997) visited with students in the 2-3 program this week. Chris runs an educational organization in Temple, Maine, called Koviashuvik...
Mi’kmaq elder and traditional storyteller David Lonebear Sanipass recently visited with second and third graders under the towering trees of the “Piney Woods.” With his...
The seventh- and eighth-grade lockers were relocated to the Forum over the summer, freeing up the standalone building between Cook-Hyde/Morrill and Hurd to be reimagined...
K-1 students are grouped into four habitats representing forest, marsh, meadow, and garden. In conjunction with their study of these habitats, students recently created elements...
Power up your stereo receiver, game system, or desktop computer. Wait a few minutes, then place your hand on the top panel. Feel the warmth?...