Eighteen Middle School students recently embarked on the second iteration of Waynflete’s Winter Ice and Snow Program (WISP) in New Hampshire’s White Mountains. Guided by...
By Kate Ziminsky (Middle School seminar instructor) Life can feel overwhelming to the middle schooler who is navigating longer periods of focused attention on academics,...
Congrats to the cast and crew of Metamorphoses who, in the time of COVID, rose to the challenge of putting on a socially distanced play...
We checked in with three Waynflete middle school teachers recently to discuss some of their favorite books on the subject of racial justice... Alyssa Goodrich:...
By John Thurston (director of college counseling) Every year, like clockwork, a host of publications tap into a particular vein of national anxiety: getting your...
Congratulations to boys soccer coach Brandon Salway for netting his 300th win in a match against Sacopee Valley High School today! Waynflete Athletic Director Ross...
The Upper School is navigating the upcoming (and highly contentious) 2020 election as a learning opportunity. We are pursuing three general goals: To give student...