Congratulations to all the Upper School students who participated in the Maine Model UN Conference! The Flyers gave an impressive performance, earning several accolades. Luccia...
Early Childhood–Grade 5 artwork is currently on view in the Klingenstein Library. The Loon Pod in EC have been looking closely at the artwork by...
Take a look at a special issue of LitMag, created in honor of the inauguration of President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris. Read...
As a Lower School, we are committed to making Waynflete a place of belonging for all students, families, and staff. In our continuing work on...
By Jess Keenan (K-1 faculty) After eight years of teaching at Waynflete, I know that kindergarten is not just about getting students ready for “school.”...
Click here to check out the latest issue of LitMag! Artwork above: "Being a Child" by Selina He
By Carol Titterton (6-12 science chair) 1. Start with teachers who have real-world experience Teachers who have worked or earned degrees in scientific fields are...