Having spent their entire year “attending” school during a pandemic, our senior class is closing in on their final weeks at school, preparing to begin...
Fifteen years ago, Band Director Ray Morrow invited former jazz students to join the current band to play Maputo for an Upper School Assembly while...
I am Vanessa Van Deusen, a senior here at Waynflete, and I am a ballerina. I started ballet when I was a kid, as most...
Grade Advising Day has been going on for more than 20 years and is important for students of all grades. Ninth Grade Seminar teacher Cathie...
Under the rule of the Taliban, Afghanistan went through a tremendous change. The Taliban had immense impact on the society as they gained more power....
In Franklin Theater on the evening of April 8, Waynflete will host the fifth annual State of the Ocean Series Talk. Having taught Marine Biology for...