2-3 students recently made beautiful clay medallions for 4-5 students as a service project. Student names are on inscribed on one side—shoe tread impressions are...
The miniscule size of plastic particles This past Tuesday evening a wonderful Ocean Conservationist came to Waynflete, by the name of Dr. Kara Lavender Law,...
The following review first appeared several weeks ago in The Flyer, the Upper School student newspaper. Here is the link to the story on Incognito...
Waynflete's Mest-Up science game show team of Ali Ghorashi '15 and Sophie Benson '14 will be back in action this Thursday, April 17. The show...
A Spirit Week Log Through the Eyes of a Ninth Grader Two Weeks Before: I don't really know what spirit week is going to be...
On Tuesday, April 8th, the ten “mathletes” of the Waynflete Math Team made an early morning trek to Bangor to check out the new Cross...