Waynflete boys varsity soccer coach Brandon Salway has been named the 2021 Fall New England Boys High School Coach of the Year by United Soccer...
Registration for Waynflete's first ever adult education course, The Language of Social Class, has closed as the class is now full. We will consider offering other...
Whether we speak with careful word choice or speak in our casual register, our speech immediately connects us to specifics groups – those we call home,...
What’s wrong with this picture? To the uninitiated, quite a bit. A teacher, David Neilan, is handing a rubber duck to a student, Dyer Rhoads....
Since graduating Waynflete in 2007, I have definitely been on a journey. I originally was accepted to my first choice college at the University of...
I graduated from Waynflete in 1989. At the time, my favourite subject was English. Classes like Creative Writing with Elizabeth Maiman and Essay with Ellie...
Steve is in his first year at Waynflete, coming from Wilson High School in West Lawn, Pennsylvania. He earned an M.Ed. in Curriculum & Instruction and a B.S....