Waynflete Middle and Upper School robotics teams competed Friday at the regional Sea Perch competition in Durham, New Hampshire. The event is jointly hosted by...
Jonny Asen '05 will speak at Upper School assembly on October 20. He grew up in Portland and attended Waynflete for 14 years. He received his...
Waynflete students were invited to WEAR YOUR PRIDE WEDNESDAY in support of relationships, community and diversity during PRIDE Week in Upper School. Tuesday'sassembly featured two performance pieces written...
The Upper School Ethical leadership and Service group volunteered to pick apples for the Soup Kitchens at the Preble Street Resource Center. Six students - Julia...
On a recent Thursday afternoon, the regular Upper School classes were suspended for three hours for advising groups to spend together. The goal? To build...
All Juniors are registered to take the PSAT at Waynflete next week on Wednesday, October 14. Juniors should report to Sills at 8:00 am. They do not need to...