Junior Anna Siegel recently received a Brookie Award from the Natural Resources Council of Maine, which honor the state's young environmental leaders. Learn more about...
“Everything changed for me when I started at Waynflete,” says Julie Merriam ’10. Prior to entering Upper School as a sophomore, she had been shy...
Students from Seeds of Peace, the King Fellows, and Waynflete spent three hours on Sunday afternoon preparing for their presentation at the New England Identity...
Click here to see the Winter Varsity Sports Slideshow. Photos by Brian Beard, Creative Image Photography. Click here to order pictures.
The Waynflete LifeSmarts team will compete in the state finals on Friday, March 4 at UNUM. This is the fourth year in a row that Waynflete...
For the fourth consecutive year, the Upper School Jazz Combo will represent Waynflete at the Maine State High School Instrumental Jazz Festival on Friday, March...