Forty-two talented cast and crew members took Franklin Theater by storm this weekend, performing their incredible production of Mean Girls for three packed houses. The...
Congratulations to the Middle School and Upper School Latin students who participated in the Maine Junior Classical League Spring Convention last week! Students celebrated their...
Tenth-grade students recently participated in a community service morning at Fort Williams in Cape Elizabeth and Payson Park in Portland. Students continued the volunteer work...
On May 20, eleven Upper School students competed in the National Science Olympiad tournament at Wichita State University in Kansas. The team earned their spot...
Waynflete juniors recently spent the morning with Bowdoin librarian Barbara Levergood, who facilitated an activity for them to examine original documents from the Reconstruction Era. These primary...
The entire ninth-grade class participated in community service yesterday as part of the school's annual Community Engagement Challenge. Two groups boarded buses in the morning to head to Fort Williams and Payson Park to remove invasive species...
Waynflete is pleased to announce the recipients of the 2023 Drake Award and the 2023 Klingenstein Alumni Award. We will be celebrating these exceptional members...