The Perspective Project, an Upper School student-led organization committed to starting discussions and bringing new perspectives to Waynflete, recently welcomed newly reelected Portland City Councilor...
Josh Lodish as Lowell Libby and Yai Deng as Jimmy Manyuru
As the next step in the Waynflete Dialogue Project, the Portland Chief of Police Michael Sauschuck will speak at an Upper School assembly on Tuesday,...
Kiera MacWhinnie '17, USNOW Staffer On Thursday, October 6, Eric Axelman and Oliver "Sydsho" Arias came to Waynflete to present at an assembly about racial awareness....
Following is the text of an email sent from Izzy Davis '16 to her Advanced Biology science teacher Carol Titterton. The email is included here...
The Waynflete Dialogue Project (WDP) is a focused initiative to make dialogue a keystone habit in the Upper School. It is not a single program...
Life maps are a great way to connect with some of your classmates that you may not know as well. Seminar groups are a continuation...