Waynflete Writers’ Guild releases January 2023 issue of “The Wombat”
Read the latest issue of the The Wombat from the Waynflete Writers' Guild! Owl artwork: Anna Siegel '24
Makany Parr and Nick Jenkins introduce a performance at the New England Youth Identity Summit
Poet Richard Blanco Sporting Waynflete Swag at the New England Youth Identity Summit
The Power of Stories: The 2017 New England Youth Identity Summit
The 2017 New England Youth Identity Summit Poet Richard Blanco sporting Waynflete swag After an eloquent introduction on a snowy April morning by long-serving Waynflete...
An Interview with Eugene Butler, Seeds of Peace Counselor, after his Upper School Assembly Presentation
Eugene Butler is a senior counselor for Seeds of Peace. He was the emcee and a workshop presenter at the second annual New England Youth...
Atia Werah ’18 Wins Lions Club Speak-Out
Following is the text of Atia Werah's winning speech at the Lions Club Speak Out: When someone is diagnosed with cancer, the doctor will say...