Articles Categorized: Lower School

Mary Lou Sprague, Class of ’46, tours Lower School project

Mary Lou Sprague, Class of '46, was on campus for a Lower School construction site tour with supervisor Millard Nadeau. (more…)

PB&J, carrot sticks, and math

Thursday morning recess is over, and students in Waynflete’s multiage grades 2-3 program return to their home stations. Teachers begin to move tables together to accommodate the 20 or more children who—lunch bags in hand—are beginning to assemble. Students begin...

Construction update #7 with Millard Nadeau

Snow, shmow!

100th Day!

In celebration of the 100th day of school on Monday, K-1 students began creating a bulletin board showing "100 Ways To Be Kind." Students from all four Lower School programs are contributing ideas. [gallery columns="1" link="file" size="large" ids="7164,7162,7161"]  

Kids’ Choice in 2-3

"Kids' Choice" in Waynflete's 2-3 program is a thematic study that emerges from students' suggestions about subjects they would like to explore in greater depth. Medieval Times There were several highlights! One of the students' favorite classes was when we...

McKinsey video: “the digital future of work: what skills will be needed?”

From McKinsey & Company: For an 18-year-old today, figuring out what kind of education and skills to acquire is an increasingly difficult undertaking. Machines are already conducting data mining for lawyers and writing basic press releases and news stories. In coming...

Lower School construction project – update #6

Lower School artist contributes work to PMA show

First-grader Aggie (artwork shown above) will represent Waynflete's Lower School at the Portland Museum of Art's "Youth Art Month" in March!

Also opening in September 2018: Lower School playgrounds!

Last Wednesday, during our afternoon faculty meetings, Lower School teachers developed some guiding principles for refurbishing the outdoor playscapes that will be open for business next September: Our outdoor playscapes should reflect our Lower School values and support the development...

Learning about kindness in the Early Childhood program

School is where most children move into the world beyond their homes, form friendships, and begin to learn how to manage social interactions. It is the perfect place to learn about kindness. At Waynflete, we support this process continually by...

Ethiopian dance workshop brings together students from all three divisions

Dance Director Susan Nelson recently offered an Ethiopian Dance Workshop to students in honor of Waynflete's upcoming Lower School Global Focus Week on Ethiopia. From Elicia Niemiec (Physical Education): Susan Nelson held an Ethiopian dance workshop for students yesterday. I stopped by...

Lower School construction project – update #5

Lower School construction project featured on WGME

Getting into a learning state of mind in 4-5

Assistant Head for Student Life Lydia Maier has been instructing 4-5 students in social-emotional learning for the past four years, checking in every two weeks with each of the program’s four home stations. This year’s topics have included: What it...

Thematic studies in 4-5

Thematic studies are designed for interdisciplinary immersion in an age-appropriate, high-interest topic. Students acquire and employ skills in a wide range of disciplines and have many opportunities to extend and enrich their learning through open-ended exercises. 4-5 students were recently...

Creating board games in 4-5 to explore westward migration

As part of the “People’s Movement West” 4-5 study, students created their own board games to play during our celebratory Prairie Day and with their K-1 buddies. Reading Jean Craighead George’s The Buffalo are Back, students began to understand the...

4-5 boy & girls basketball team pushes hard in win over Riverton

Waynflete's 4-5 boys and girls basketball team played an exciting game last Saturday against undefeated Riverton School—and came away with their first win of the season! Our players showed great determination, enthusiasm, and skill in the toughly fought match, coming...

Lower School construction project – update #4

The latest update from Wright-Ryan's Millard Nadeau...

New York Times – why strong Pre-K programs matter

Interesting piece in the December 14, 2017, issue of the Times on the importance of an effective Pre-K program. Read the article Information on Waynflete's Early Childhood curriculum Information on student life in Waynflete's Lower School

Apps, Gadgets, and Games for the Holidays

Need a great gift that inspires learning and creativity? Waynflete Lower School teacher Tim Hebda has put together a list of apps, gadgets, and games to keep your child excited and engaged during the holidays! Ideas for Preschool through Grade...

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