One Act Winners!
Update #4: You can now view the play in its entirety on Youtube! Scroll to the bottom of this post for the video, or click here.
Update #3: Henry Wasserman, The Stage Manger of THE GREAT BANK ROBBERY (a working title) is so tired he has fallen asleep while leaning against a set piece. This can happen when you load and unload a set into a rental truck multiple times on your way to drama fests all over the state of Maine.

We are happy to report that everyone had a wonderful time at the State Drama Festival at Yarmouth High School. The cast and crew gave a fantastic performance and were spirited and generous community members all weekend.
We received the following awards:
Judge’s Commendation:
Playwriting – Jesse Brooks
Allstate Cast: (acting award)
Tzevi Aho – for the role of Harry
Ben Millspaugh – for the role of Carnegie
Justin Gross received an unofficial award from another school for: “Best Audience Member”
Everyone went home tired and happy!
Update #2: Join us for “The Great Bank Robbery (working title)” by student playwright, Jesse Brooks ’17 at the State One Act Festival at Yarmouth High School.
Cast and crew will hit the stage on Friday, March 24th at 6:00pm
Tickets at the door $8.00 for adults, $5.00 for students
Update: “The Great Bank Robbery (working title)” was the overall winner in Class B of the One Act Festival this past weekend at Morse High School in Bath. Congratulations to Jesse Brooks ’17, writer of the incredible production. The cast received several other awards, including:
Student Playwriting: Jesse Brooks ’17
All Festival Cast (acting awards): Justin Gross ’18 as Andy; Randall Seder ’17 as Tasha; Emily Talpey as Samantha.
The cast and crew also received the highest honor of all “Ensemble Cohesion.” Congrats to everyone involved!

After a pair of incredible shows at Waynflete last weekend, “The Great Bank Robbery (working title)” is going on the road! Join us this coming weekend, Saturday March 11 at Morse High School in Bath. The day starts at 1pm and is a wonderful, creative event not to be missed! It looks to be a great show; read on for a note from the playwright, our very own Jesse Brooks ’17.
Eleven months ago I sat down at a computer with the idea that I would write a play with no prior knowledge of the struggles that went into actually writing one. Two months later, I still don’t know how exactly, I presented what I had of The Great Bank Robbery: a working title (a name that held no sense of irony at the time) to Tiki Fuhro in her office during the middle of exams, two weeks before the end of school. The draft was rough, almost twenty pages too long, and had no ending; my expectations were justifiably set low. Remarkably, and this baffles me even more, she liked it. What’s more, she made me the humbling offer to produce it, not only at Waynflete with a cast and crew of who had become my friends over years of working with them, but to also bring it out as our school’s One Act Festival submission.
Truthfully, the offer terrified me as much as it excited me, and I took on the task with an appreciation of the trust that had been placed in me to complete and refine what I had started. After six months of drafting, polishing, and stressing, we began the rehearsal process which has been its own remarkable, exciting experience. At every one of those rehearsals, I have experienced the enormous amount of talent and love that has gone into performing the characters and story that have lived in my head for so long, and I am endlessly grateful for the opportunity to see it all come to life. My sincere thanks to everyone who has put a piece of themselves into making this little idea of mine into a reality on stage; I owe you all more than I can express in a playbill blurb. This is, after all, the story of a young person who has dragged their friends into a situation that becomes a little more complicated than they all thought it would be…