Exams 2017: Everything You Need to Know!

During the week of exams (Thursday, December 14 – Wednesday, December 20), students are only required to be in school during their exam periods. They may be on campus when they do not have exams if they choose. Please make plans with your child regarding your expectations for where s/he should be when not taking an exam. If your child will be absent from an exam, please follow the usual procedure for reporting an absence.

Click here for easily downloadable and printable schedule.

For make-up exams or exam conflicts, students should contact Peter Hamblin at phamblin@waynflete.org or at extension 1230.

Please note: Weather could alter the exam schedule so that rescheduled exams could run as late as 12:30 on Wednesday, 12/20. Please do not plan to travel before then.

In case even the thought of mid-term exams is casting a long shadow over your household, here are links to two ideas about how to manage stress productively. The first is a TED talk by health psychologist Kelly McGonical entitled, How to Make Stress Your Friend. The second is an article by Gavi King ’15, whose article,  Relax, Silly: Advice for Exam Week, which first appeared in the Waynflete Flyer in the spring of 2014.  Each offers wise counsel.

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