Dream Factory This Fall: Marathons, Gingerbread Houses, and Candy Canes!
Waynflete’s Dream Factory activity has been incredibly active in some super exciting events this semester in our community. If you don’t know anything about Dream Factory, it a non-profit organization that grants dreams to kids aged 3-17 diagnosed with a chronic illness. In the simplest terms, chronic illnesses are lifelong conditions that can often be helped with medication but cannot be cured. The club is in its third year now and has been incredibly successful. Last year, we helped send a Maine boy, who was diagnosed with cancer just after the end of his senior year, on a dream golf vacation in Florida where he got to play with professionals and spend a well-needed week away in the sunshine state.
Back in October, we sent about 10 volunteers to help run a water station at the Maine Marathon, something we have been a part of since 2014. Largely because of the efforts of the high school dream factory clubs in running the stations, the ME Marathon choose Dream Factory as race beneficiary this year, profiting the club with over $50,000, enough for at least ten extensive dreams! Two Sundays ago, 13 of us helped decorate gingerbread houses to be used as raffle items at the upcoming Make-Your-Own Candy Cane Fundraiser at Haven’s Candy, which was this past Saturday (see right). We sent four hard-working volunteers to help run the show, doing everything from greeting families to helping children form the candy cane shape (see below). Overall, the Havens event raised thousands more than last year, and was incredibly successful all around.

If you are interested at all in the Dream Factory at Waynflete, don’t hesitate to find out more! You can reach me at or find me in the hallway at school!

Fantastic gingerbread decorators, from back to front, left to right: Nick Wagg (Jr), Ian McClure-Chute (Fr), Anna Wildes (Fr), Lexi Epstein (Sr), Eliza Barbara-Wheelock (Fr), Olya Gregg (Fr), Sophia Mayone (Sr), Emily Wagg (Fr), Rachel Burns (Fr), Mollie Stone (Jr), Ella Hannaford (Fr), Charlotte Rhodes (Jr), Sydney Sullivan (Fr)

Freshman Anna Wildes, Olya Gregg, and Eliza Barba-Wheelock decorating their house
[Header image caption: Senior group leaders Sophia Mayone and Almu Canales holding Sophia’s brothers picture at the Dream Factory welcoming table]