A Waynflete First: Adult Education
At every Open House, many parents comment, “I wish I could go to school at Waynflete.” Upon visits home, many alums hearken back to their days as Waynflete students and wish that they would return.
Well, if you have ever felt that way, finally, your chance has come. For the first time in its long history, Waynflete will offer a course for adults. Fashioned after a literature elective they co-taught last spring, Phuc Tran and Taffy Field will team up again next semester to teach The Language of Social Class; Language as a Unifier, Language as a Divider. The course is fully accessible online, so you can “attend” no matter where you live.
Details about the course and how to register for it are coming soon. Enrollment is limited, so stay tuned and be prepared to pounce if you are interested.