2017 Science Olympiad State Champs!
On April 1, despite a snowstorm, 30 Upper School science students traveled to USM Gorham for the State Science Olympiad Tournament. Students competed on two teams of fifteen students each in 23 different science and engineering events ranging from building an electric vehicle that could arrive the quickest and stop the most accurately at any given target distance, to tests of knowledge and skill in fields such as Astronomy, Invasive Species, and Chem Lab. The Waynflete Green team placed 1st in the state, capturing 1st place finishes in 13 of the 23 events, and second place finishes in another 8 events. Notably, Althea Sellers, ’17; Willson Moore, ’17; and Callie Banksmith, ‘18 took home gold medals in every event in which they competed! Waynflete’s second team, the White Team, also placed 3rd in the state! It was a great day – full of hard earned success. The students spent hours and hours prior to the event studying, designing, building and testing in order to be successful in these events. Congratulations to all involved! Teams were coached by science teachers Wendy Curtis and Carol Titterton.

The Waynflete White Team